"Digging Deeper into Silovpasture" Webinar
This "Digging Deeper into Silovpasture" webinar will feature presentations from SFA's Silvopasture & Agroforestry team, Diane Mayerfeld, Lance Smith, and Terri Peters.
Getting Started with Silvopasture - Tyler Carlson, SFA Silvopasture & Agroforestry Project Lead
Planning Design Considerations from Pasture to Silvopasture - Dr. Diomy Zamora, SFA Consultant
Planning Design Considerations from Forest to Silvopasture - Diane Mayerfeld, University of Wisconsin Sustainable Ag Coordinator
Using EQIP Funds for Silvopasture Establishment - Lance Smith, NRCS State Range Specialist
Getting Started with Silvopasture Using Cost-Share Programs - Terry Peters, SCWD Wabasha County
Other Funding Opportunities for Silvopasture - Dr. Diomy Zamora, SFA Consultant