Holistic Approach to Weed Management for Specialty Crops

06/24/2024 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM CT


Come join SFA's Specialty Crop Lead Dan Zimmerli of Cedar Crate Farm, a mixed vegetable operation in Waldorf, MN, for a workshop on holistic weed management. Cedar Crate Farm produces over 70 varieties of vegetables available at farmers market, CSA, and through wholesale partners.

Dan will discuss holistic weed management approaches that work in sustainable and organic systems. Cover cropping, creating stale seed beds, cultivation tools, timing of cultivation, and a demonstration of his walk behind tractor are all slated to be discussed.
This workshop is for:
  • Emerging or beginning farmers wondering where to start and what weed management tools to acquire first.
  • Experienced growers who are looking to refine their weed management strategies and want to see how other experienced growers manage weeds.
  • Consumers and advocates who want to better understand the complexities and what it takes to grow local, nutrient-dense produce!

Free Admission. 
Registration requested, walkups welcome.

SFA staff and volunteers occasionally take photos during our workshops, cafe chats and field days for promotional purposes and to use as documentation of events to share with our funders.  If you do not wish to be photographed, please let our event host know -- we'll make every effort to make sure you are not photographed.

Inherent Risks of Agritourism